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   DOITALL()                Fairly complete DBF Add/Edit etc
     Usage                  DOITALL([ <array1>, <array2> ])

                            PARAMATERS ARE ALL OPTIONAL
     Param                  Optional. Interactive - contains complete menu
                            system (Next Previous Search Lookup Add Edit
                                    Delete Other Quit)

                            <array1> -  an array of options for the OTHER menu
                            <array2> -  an array of corresponding procnames
                                        to execute for <array1> selections.

                             Both arrays must be passed if one is passed.
                             Last menu item must be QUIT or EXIT. An exit
                             from the OTHER menu is performed if the last
                             item is selected.

     Example                ...
                            use Customer index Customer
                            use Customer index Customer
                            private a1[3],a2[3]
                            a1[1]= "Query"
                            a1[2]= "Print"
                            a1[3]= "Quit"

                            a2[1]= "QUERY"       && call QUERY()
                            a2[2]= "PRNTLST"     && call PRNTLST()
                            a2[3]= " "           && NOTE: no parentheses.


                            CB.PRG has a good calling example.

     Notes                  DBF MUST BE OPEN

                            I would use this, normally, if my program was
                            not going to know ahead of time what a dbf might
                            look like - or even what dbf will be used.
                            Obviously if you know what your dbf is going to
                            look like you can come up with a slicker, customized

                            DOITALL() takes over the PGUP PGDN keys during
                            its menu phase by SETing KEYs to them.

                            If passing arrays for the OTHER menu, be sure the
                            procs to be called are known to the compiler, either
                            by being called elsewhere in the program, or by
                            using EXTERNAL. (see above)

       DOALL_LU()        DOALL_PAGE()      DOALL_SETS()      DOALL_STAT()

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson